What does it mean to be our "FLOW Self?" It is a state of being that transcends our ego, our stress, our insecurities. Our FLOW Self is authentic. Centered. Calm. Open. Perhaps even playful. We call it "mental resilience". Our FLOW Self accepts the events that happen daily by being secure in who they are. This leads to successful relationships, lower stress, and a joy in reaching the highest potential within one's self.
What stops us from being our FLOW Self?
Doubt. Fear. Anxiety. Lots of reasons, and they may be different for each one of us. Sometimes it's the pressure of needing to succeed. That if a certain piece of our life is falling apart or incomplete, one feels failure. No one is alone in these feelings. in fact, we are a society full of self-doubt and insecurity. It is exactly these emotions that prevent us from being fully alive. And they have been built up over years. Over decades. That's why so many are living incomplete lives.
FLOW is a program that will help you lift the veil that holds you back. That makes you feel shame. The truth is, YOU ARE OK. And FLOW will get you seeing what we can see. However, a lifetime of self-reenforcing negativity, doubt, and insecurity make it difficult to fight against and tear down.
What stops us from being our FLOW Self?
Doubt. Fear. Anxiety. Lots of reasons, and they may be different for each one of us. Sometimes it's the pressure of needing to succeed. That if a certain piece of our life is falling apart or incomplete, one feels failure. No one is alone in these feelings. in fact, we are a society full of self-doubt and insecurity. It is exactly these emotions that prevent us from being fully alive. And they have been built up over years. Over decades. That's why so many are living incomplete lives.
FLOW is a program that will help you lift the veil that holds you back. That makes you feel shame. The truth is, YOU ARE OK. And FLOW will get you seeing what we can see. However, a lifetime of self-reenforcing negativity, doubt, and insecurity make it difficult to fight against and tear down.
FLOW Program
FLOW is a six-week program of discovery, behavioral change, and reinforcement. As a participant, you will engage daily, from home, from work, or where ever one might be. You will have exercises that strengthen your brain's responses, and physically alter how the neurons in the brain connect during times of anxiety or stress. However, this only happens if you commit to engaging with the program.
Your commitment to the program:
Your commitment to the program:
- Complete a survey that is used to identify which patterns you exhibit, so the program is customized for you.
- Able to identify a specific goal to achieve by being in FLOW during the six weeks.
- Six weeks of participation.
- Watch weekly content (available from our mobile app) that teaches you how to get in "FLOW", about one hour per week.
- Throughout the work week, there are short videos and exercises each day. You will spend 2-3 minutes several times per day following mental exercise instructions.
- Be part of a community called a CREW, which is 4-6 people who go through the program together.
- CREW meeting (30-45 minutes max) via zoom, with your coach, once per week.
FLOW is our proprietary program. You won't find anyone else offering this. We don't license this. Our founders have almost 40 years of experience, with over 1,000 clients, perfecting strategies that are the foundation of FLOW.
If you are ready to live a fuller, happier life than you are now, ready to rid yourself of your need to care about what others think, or ready to accept that you are ok JUST THE WAY YOU ARE, then FLOW is right for you! Enter your contact items below to receive information on timing, pricing, and availability!
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